In the third Indiana Jones movie, 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones comments that his friend Marcus Brody “gets lost in his own museum.” That bears an uncomfortable resemblance to me, although I have yet to get lost in my own home, which is where I work. However, I have been known to get lost coming back from the grocery on occasion, as well as taking the “scenic route” when I take my children to school. The reality of my poor sense of direction is that when we are both in the car, it is my wife who drives. That insures that we get where we intend to go. I’ve gotten to where I park my car in the same aisle at the supermarket every time I go there. That’s so that I no longer have to wait until the store closes and all the other cars have left in order to find my vehicle.
Last year, I made my first trek to the Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference, which is held not too far from Fresno. I live in Lancaster, and so I was facing a drive of more than three hundred miles.
To place I had never been before.
Since my sense of direction is essentially non-existent, this created a certain amount of stress. After all, it was entirely possible I might get in the car, drive off, and never be heard from again, doomed to wander aimlessly for the rest of my life like some latter-day Lost Dutchman.
Thankfully, however, I live in the twenty-first century and so there was a solution to my disability: the GPS unit in my cellphone.
The Global Positioning System became operational in 1994, nearly eighteen years ago and it has become critical for our civilization, not just my family’s peace of mind while I’m away on a trip. It is a space-based global navigation satellite system that provides reliable location and time information. It works in all weather, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, anywhere on the surface of the Earth and even in places near the Earth (such as the International Space Station).
The GPS project was developed in 1973 by the United States Department of Defense and when it first went into operation in 1994 it used 24 satellites. Currently, there are 31 satellites in operation. Although the system is maintained by the United States government, it is freely accessible by anyone who happens to have a GPS receiver. Although such receivers used to be fairly expensive, today just about any cellphone you buy—even the free ones that your cellphone company offers you for signing up—are equipped with GPS and a full navigation map system.
I’m old enough that I still find it remarkable that an object smaller than a stack of ten playing cards not only can calculate my position anywhere on Earth or nearby space to an accuracy of about 65 feet and often much better than that, it can also talk to me and tell me where to go. Using Google Maps on my cellphone, I can see a blue dot that represents me. When I increase the resolution of the map to where I can see my house (itself, an amazing thing), I can watch the blue dot move from room to room with me. Since I have tracking turned on in my phone, my wife and children can bring up a map on their phones and find out precisely where I am at any given moment. We’ve arrived at that magical Star Trek place, where Captain Piccard of the Enterprise can ask the ship computer where his first officer is and be told, “he’s in Holo Deck 3.” So if I ask plaintively, “where am I” my wife or one of my daughters can now tell me.
Thus on my long trip to the writer’s conference and back, my cellphone displayed a map showing my location. Meanwhile, a pleasant voice periodically told me where to go: “In one quarter mile, turn right at exit 443.”
Besides making sure that directionally challenged authors can make their way to writers’ conferences, GPS serves a number of other purposes. Besides the obvious military uses which allow smart bombs and missiles to precisely hit their targets, the constellation of global positioning satellites now undergird our economy and civilization.
GPS is used for all civilian airline and ship navigation. The satellites synchronize time for your cellphone and make it possible for emergency services to locate 911 callers. Disaster relief and emergency services in general rely on the system for location and timing capabilities. The system plays a role in ATM and point of sale transactions. Map makers—both military and civilian—make extensive use of GPS. GPS makes it possible now to precisely measure the motion of faults during earthquakes. GPS has become a widely deployed and useful tool for commerce, science, tracking, and surveillance. Its accurate time synchronization has become vital in everyday activities such as banking, mobile phone operations, and even the control of power grids.
The American GPS program is no longer the only satellite positioning system in operation, though it is the only one that works everywhere on Earth. The Russians have a limited system that covers their territory, though they hope to have theirs working worldwide eventually. Europe, China, Japan and India are also developing their own satellite navigation systems. So far none are operational yet. India expects to have a regional system in place by the end of 2012 and China is hoping to have a global system in place by 2020. The European system has a target date of 2015. Still, for the moment, the US system remains the only one that is widely used and fully operational.