I got a nice email from Amazon.com today letting me know that they will fix my name on their website within “two or three” days. So my book The Bible’s Most Fascinating People will now be listed as by “R.P. Nettelhorst” instead of by “Robin Paul Nettelhorst.” The nice thing about the change, besides it being my preferred byline, is that it will link my new book with my other books–which may help sales of the older books. At least I like to think it will.
As to why I prefer my byline to be “R.P. Nettelhorst,” it is related to the fact that 87 per cent of the people in the United States who are named “Robin” are female. I didn’t recognized this could be a problem until I started getting junk mail addressed to “Miss,” including tampon samples. The first two days in a row in a new High School my Senior year, one of my teachers called out “Miss Nettelhorst” as he was doing roll call. That’s when I realized I had to take action. Ever after, if my name is going to be seen by people who don’t know me, I use my initials. That way they won’t automatically assume I’m female.