Today I went to my daughter’s school to launch a rocket for her astronomy class. The rocket I launched was a large one: my daughter had been telling her classmates about it and several of them did not believe in a model rocket more than six feet tall. My daughter was delighted when I walked into her classroom carrying the thing.
The wind was blowing much stronger than we had anticipated, and that created some difficulties in launching the rocket. In fact, I had a pre-launch incident that actually damaged the rocket slightly prior to launch: the wind took hold and pulled one of the launch lugs off the side of the rocket. Fortunately, I was able to do a temporary fix and taped it back on. Then we had trouble with the electrical running to the igniter: one of the clips pulled loose. But finally, in the end, all was well and we successfully launched the rocket and recovered it in an undamaged state.
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Here are some photos of me with the rocket. First, is a picture just prior to launch. The wind really caught hold of my hair, demonstrating that I probably need to have my hair cut:
And here I’m trying to get the clips to stay put on the igniter:
And here is a picture following the rocket launch:
For those interested in such things, the rocket is a model available for purchase. The kit was manufactured by Estes and can be purchased through
I used the largest recommended rocket motor for this launch, an E9-6.