Okay, this is really exciting. Besides the earlier announced Kuiper belt object that is about 70 per cent the size of Pluto, most likely, Cal Tech has since announced the discovery of what, by all measures (assuming that Pluto is to be classed as a planet), must now be classified as our Solar System’s tenth planet, since it is larger than Pluto. This comes from Cal Tech.

A hundred fifty new planets and counting discovered already beyond our solar system, over 600 Kuiper Belt objects, and now this! Exciting times for a space geek like me.

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About R.P. Nettelhorst

I'm married with three daughters. I live in southern California and I'm the interim pastor at Quartz Hill Community Church. I have written several books. I spent a couple of summers while I was in college working on a kibbutz in Israel. In 2004, I was a volunteer with the Ansari X-Prize at the winning launches of SpaceShipOne. Member of Society of Biblical Literature, American Academy of Religion, and The Authors Guild
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