Being involved in a website like that of the Quartz Hill School of Theology I do get email. Most of it is quite positive, though once in awhile I get some negative stuff that can be unpleasant, but it’s what one would expect. What one does not expect is to get hate mail with a veiled death threat, though that’s what I got today in response to one of my “diatribes” on the website entitled, “God Loves Gay People”.
I had thought, if I were ever to get actual hate mail, it would be for the stuff on the website that is critical of Anti-Semitism; I have had a few, um, interesting interactions with Anti-Semites who took issue with what I had written. Although the interractions were depressing, I was never threatened, either implicitly or explicitly. The email I got today necessitated a call to the local police. They will investigate. I suspect its only a silly teenager spouting off, but, one cannot be too careful. Somewhat disturbing, but I’m not too worried. It seems very odd, but I suppose not really surprising, that in response to an article that argues for love, hate should be stirred up.